30 Benefits of cucumber For health, skin and hair

Online Health - Cucumber is a vegetable that contains a lot of water and crisp, and usually many served as a complement to eat rice fresh vegetables. Cucumber is very low in calories, yet it contains many nutrients than just water and electrolytes. In fact almost all the nutrients necessary for a balanced diet, contained in this refreshing fruit vegetables.

There are 30 Exceptional Benefits of cucumber For health, eye, skin and hair

Cucumbers are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium is also a good source of vitamin A, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and magnesium. Meanwhile it is also high in potassium, folate, carbohydrates, zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. All of these nutrients help to maintain a healthy body, it can even cure disease and improve processes in the body.

Cucumbers for health benefits:

These vegetables are best harvested when still young, that is, when the meat is still tender and crisp. Has a slightly sweet flavor, especially if eaten raw in salads or sandwiches, or in juice form. The following health benefits:

1. Calorie cucumber is very low, at only 15 calories per 100 grams grams .Not contain saturated fat or cholesterol. Cucumber can consume a drug used to treat chronic constipation.

2. Cucumber skin contains high dietary fiber, which helps to reduce constipation, indigestion and preventing gastric diseases related to intestinal detoxification.

3. Also has a healing attributes for conditions that are related to bladder and kidney diseases. The water content in cucumbers that helps kidney function by promoting urination. Regular consumption of these vegetables also can dissolve kidney stones.

4. Gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, gastritis, gastritis and even stomach ulcers can be cured by taking regular cucumber or cucumber juice. Enzyme called Erepsin in cucumber also helps in the digestion of proteins.

5. Not just the meat, bijinyapun also very useful. Cucumber seeds regarded as a natural remedy to remove tapeworms from the intestinal tract. Seeds also have anti-inflammatory properties are effective for the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

6. Cucumbers are one source of potassium (potassium) best, which contains 147 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams. Electrolytes are heart friendly compound is beneficial to reduce high levels of blood pressure, reduce heart rate by minimizing the effects of sodium.

7. Cucumber contains antioxidants such as B-carotene, carotene, zea - ​​xanthin and lutein. These compounds act as free radical scavengers common cause aging and other age-related diseases.

8. Cucumber extract is also known to reduce inflammation, because the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as cyclo - oxyenase which works to prevent the production of nitric oxide that causes excessive inflammation.

9. Cucumber juice contains a hormone that is needed by the pancreas to produce insulin which is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Copper is also contained in the cucumber also helps to produce healthy blood cells and improves blood circulation in the body.

10. Fresh green vegetables also contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol. It is 3 lignan strongly associated with reduced risk of developing several types of cancer such as payud * ra, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer. When we consume lignans, bacteria found in the digestive tract will be captured by these lignans, and converted into enterolignans. This Enterolignans bind to the estrogen receptor, to reduce estrogen-related diseases such as cancer.

11 .Good to support dental health by preventing bad breath. Phytochemicals in vegetables will kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. Take a slice of cucumber and press out to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds. Phytochemicals will kill bacteria causation bad breath. Raw cucumber can increase saliva, and bring the neutralization of acid and alkali in the oral cavity. Vegetable juice is also effective in treating gum disease.

12. Cucumbers can also be used to cure a hangover and headache. This is because they help the body rehydration nutrients, and eliminate toxins from the intake alk * hol. Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed, B vitamins and electrolytes in these vegetables will reduce the intensity of hangovers and headaches.

13. Has a mild diuretic properties due to the content of potassium and high moisture content. Also contains manganese and fiber is beneficial regulate blood pressure, both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Steam produced when the boil cucumber can be inhaled for relief of stress, soothes and relaxes muscles and senses.

14. Cucumbers contain 95% water is beneficial to hydrate the body and eliminate toxins. High water content in cucumber works as a cleaner system and remove waste products get out.

15. These vegetables also contain Vitamin K, which is very important for strengthening bones by promoting the activity of orthotropic. The high silica also beneficial for joint health by strengthening connective tissue. Is also a good source of calcium, making it suitable for a vegan diet. Consuming enough calcium will also keep the body's hormonal balance by controlling the release of hormones.

16. Copper in cucumber helps neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that families needed to communicate. It also helps inhibit Alzheimer's disease, by way of limiting the damage neutral in the brain.

Benefits For Skin

Most of the hair and skin care products made using cucumber as one of its main ingredients. Raw cucumber is also widely used in many beauty salons in facial process, which aims to reduce wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes. Here are some of the main benefits of cucumber for skin:

17. The largest and most important benefits for the skin is revitalizing cucumber. Face masks cucumber juice containing beneficial for skin tightening.

18. Contains mild bleaching properties that can reverse skin tanning, so getting younger and glowing skin.

19. If you are concerned about the bags under the eyes, then the cucumber can help you. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber can help nmengurangi swelling around the eyes.

20. Cucumber sliced ​​or mashed is applied on the skin will help skin problems due to burning by the sun. This is a natural and gentle way to treat burns due to the sun.

21. The most common use of the other is to improve skin rejuvenation. Add cucumber juice with a few drops of lemon juice and use it as a facial mask. This will improve the skin and will increase the brightness.

22. Cucumbers can also use to treat open pores. This vegetable extract and use as a toner. You can also mix it with apple cider vinegar, pureed tomatoes and gel Aloe Vera gel in order to become more effective.

23. Cucumbers can also help to get rid of cellulite padapaha. Mix a few tablespoons of ground coffee, cucumber juice and honey to make a thick paste. Apply it on the areas affected by cellulite, wrap it with muslin cloth and gently exfoliate after 30 minutes. Eating root vegetables in fresh condition can also treat cellulite.

24. Cucumbers contain 95% water handy to keep skin hydrated and moist. The seeds are also rich in vitamin E and potassium will help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, black spots and signs of aging.

25. Put slices of cucumber on the eyes can also reduce the appearance of dark circles quickly. The amount of antioxidant content and silica dalambuah can rejuvenate the skin and diminish dark circles. Place 2 slices of cucumber on the eyes and leave for 20 minutes, or you can also soak two cotton balls into the juice of cucumber and place them on your eyes.

26. You can also use grated cucumber grated to treat spots and black spots. Apply cucumber juice over face for treating freckles. Cucumber will provide many advantages when used as a face mask. Grated cucumber or cucumber juice can be used as the main element of a facial mask to treat wrinkles, acne and other skin problems.
  • Take a fresh cucumber, a blender to make a smooth paste. Add a few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply all over the face and leave for 20 minutes, then wash with tap water and dry. This face pack will help reverse tanning.

  • Campurkaan some turmeric juice and lemon juice with the pulp of fresh cucumber. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes, then wash off after it dries. It would be beneficial to control the secretion of oil on the face.

Benefits for Hair:

27. The most important benefit is to strengthen hair. Cucumbers in the form of juice contribute to hair growth, mainly because of the content of silicon, sodium sulfur, phosphorus and calcium, which is the most needed nutrients for hair growth. Drinking regular cucumber juice every day either to control hair loss.

28. Cucumber juice can also be used to rinse the hair, so the hair becomes smooth and shiny.

29. High vegetable water can also be used to remove stains on stainless steel tools made in the house, so that it becomes shiny again. Chemicals found in cucumbers are also used in the manufacture of polishes polishing shoes.

30. Put slices of cucumber in a container, then put around the gardens to control pests snails. The chemicals in these vegetables releasing aromas attract pests and insects.

Side Effects:
  • Can cause allergies, especially around the mouth that cause itching and swelling. This can be prevented by cooking, or not eaten in raw form.

  • Can cause gastritis and indigestion problems in some people, mainly because due to cucurbitacin compound.

  • Cucumbers can also cause poisoning and baldness due to chemicals found in cucumbers. This usually occurs when a person consumes excessive cucumbers. Avoid also choose skinned cucumber fruit wrinkles, or that has a slightly bitter taste.

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