8 Local food carbohydrate Healthier of Rice

Online Health - Usually if we do not eat rice then it seems not feel full. In fact, that's how most people belly habits Indonesia. Already eat bread but still eat rice. Friends eating rice was fried noodles. Eating healthy is this? Rice or white rice has a glycemic index (glycemic index / GI) which is quite high. GI is a measure of the speed of the food is absorbed into the blood sugar. Certainly if the higher the GI of a food, it will be sooner impact on blood sugar levels. Actually, the GI of a food ingredient be quite high if the value is ≥ 70, GIs are between 56 to 69 and a low GI GI value ≤ 55. It is estimated that the rice reaches 88 to 89. This means, if the more you eat white rice, the levels of Your blood sugar will be higher because the carbohydrates in rice directly converted into sugar in the body.

That means eating too much white rice at risk of developing serious diseases. Starting from diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity. The solution is to begin to reduce the consumption of white rice or replace it with another carbohydrate source that has a lower GI value is the most effective way to prevent illness and disease. It is undeniable, Indonesian society's dependence on rice or white rice is still very high since been considered a staple food for the people of Indonesia. View of the cause as if rice or white rice is a source of carbohydrates that are not replaceable. Though the availability of domestic rice growing and not by the number of requests. As a result, Indonesia has become the country's largest rice importer in the world because 25 percent of the 8 million tonnes of rice in the international market are imported into Indonesia. While there are plenty of local food can be a healthier alternative as a source of nutrient-rich carbohydrates. What are the sources of local carbohydrate much healthier than rice and able to meet the energy needs for you? Curious, are some of them that you should know. Let us consider for a moment.

1. Corn Rice Substitute
Corn is one of the world's most important food crops, in addition to wheat and rice. As the main carbohydrate source in Central and South America, corn has also become an alternative source of food in the United States. Popularity of corn as a food source is similar to a potato. However, as potatoes, corn as a source of carbohydrates has not fully been as a substitute for rice. Maize is widely consumed as a snack in the form of various types of food. The sweet taste of corn comes from fructose, a sugar fruit safely consumed by diabetics though. Fructose is a sugar that is not directly digestible complex but should be processed first into simple sugars. Before fructose ingested, usually wasted with urine, so it is not absorbed by the body. Color pigments corn also has health benefits and protective eye lungs. Levels of corn itself, including low GI between 55-60. Besides being rich in calories, corn is also rich in antioxidants and a source of B vitamins, fiber and minerals. In 100 grams of corn containing 255 kcal calories, 9.2 grams protein, 3.9 grams fat, 73.7 grams carbohydrates, 10 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 256 milligrams, 2.4 milligrams of iron, water 12 grams, 0:39 grams of vitamin B1, Vitamin A 510 SI. Advised to consume corn should be steamed or boiled, baked or processed into corn rice.

2. Cassava Instead of Rice
Cassava, manioc, or cassava is an annual herbaceous tropical and subtropical of Euphorbiaceae tribe. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable. This plant is often considered lower-class food, cassava is a source of complex carbohidrat with a low GI value that is below 55. In 100 grams of cassava contained 121 kcal calories, 62.5 grams of water, Phosphorus 40 grams, 34 grams carbohydrates, 33 milligrams of Calcium, Vitamin C 30 milligrams, 1.2 grams protein, 0.7 milligrams of iron, fat 0.3 grams of fat and vitamin B1 0:01 milligrams. High fiber content, making cassava can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Advised to consume cassava should be boiled or steamed, baked, made of cassava flour or rice.

3. Dioscorea esculenta Rice Substitute
Dioscorea esculenta is a tuber crops that are now difficult to find in the market. As well as taro, Dioscorea esculenta also less popular and often forgotten. Though white flesh with a texture similar yam has a sweeter taste than potato honey. The greatest contribution of Dioscorea esculenta is the content of inulin which helps increase the intestinal kerjas throw food scraps, production of vitamin B and increase the absorption of calcium by the body. In 100 grams of Dioscorea esculenta contain 95 kcal calories, 1.5 grams protein, 0.1 grams fat, 2.4 grams carbohydrates, 14 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 49 milligrams, 1 milligram of iron, vitamin b1 0:05 milligrams, and 4 milligrams of vitamin C. To consume the recommended Dioscorea esculenta preferably steamed or boiled, Dioscorea esculenta can also be processed into flour as a substitute for noodle.

4. Potatoes Rice Substitute
Potato is a plant of the Solanaceae tribe which has edible tubers and stems called "potato" anyway. This food is of course quite popular than some of the plants above. Potatoes have often consumed as food but not fully functioned as a substitute for rice. Even many who consume it in a way that is unhealthy, such as fried. The process of making potato frying in fat, especially if coupled salt can lead to obesity and hypertension. How to process that one can make the nutritional content of potatoes to be not optimal even turned into bad cholesterol. The content of GI potato is also quite high, so the need to consume more healthy manner. The most healthy potato consumption is by boiling. But compared to rice, potatoes more variety of nutrients and fiber with less calories. Potatoes also contain vitamin C which is pretty good. In 100 grams of potatoes contain 70 kcal Calories, carbohydrates 15.9 g, 1.89 grams of protein, 0.1 grams fat, 10 milligrams of calcium, iron 0.73 mg, 2.9 mcg of vitamin K and vitamin C 11:49 milligrams. Advised to consume potatoes should be steamed or boiled, cooked and eaten with the skin will give the benefits of fiber and vitamins are higher.

5. Substitute Taro Rice
Taro or taro Bogor is a tuber-producing plants, grown especially popular in the western part of Indonesia. Although less well known, this plant can be a source of low-carb substitute for rice are rich in nutrients and low in GI 54. Content of the largest in the taro are carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrate component in the form of taro starch containing up to 77.9 percent and has properties that are easy to digest. While taro higher protein content than cassava and sweet potatoes. The fiber content in the high-taro also reach 5.3 grams or 20.5 percent of daily fiber needs. In 100 grams taro 142 kcal calories, 1.9 grams of protein, 0.75 grams of fat, 28 milligrams of Calcium, Phosphorus 61 mg, 1 mg of iron, 20 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C 0:13 milligrams of 2 milligrams. Taro consumption can prevent the risk of heart problems and high blood pressure. Advised to consume taro should be boiled without any additional free of cholesterol.

6. Substitute Rice Breadfruit
Breadfruit is the name of a type of bearing fruit. Breadfruit no seeds and has a padded section, which is similar to the bread after it is cooked or fried. Therefore, the Europeans know him as a "loaf". These plants include the type of fruit, but very potential to be used as a source of carbohydrate substitute for rice. Compared with sweet potato and potato, breadfruit contain carbohydrates and higher protein. Even compared to rice, breadfruit carbohydrate content is practically equivalent, but lower calorie level making it suitable for diets. In addition, highly nutritious, breadfruit contains flavonoids that are good for heart and kidney health. Breadfruit has a complete nutritional composition and a low GI foods that can contribute to help control blood sugar levels at a safe level. In 100 grams of breadfruit 27.12 grams of carbohydrates, calories 103 kcal, 17 milligrams of magnesium, 0.2 grams fat, 29 milligrams of vitamin C, vitamin C is 29 milligrams, 2 milligrams sodium, 17 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus and potassium 490 milligrams 30 milligrams. Advised to consume breadfruit should be boiled or steamed.

7. Sweet Potato Rice Substitute
Sweet potato or yam is a plant cultivation. Parts used are the roots that form tubers with high nutrient levels. In Africa, sweet potato tubers become one of the important staple food source. By Nutritionist Association of the United States, yams (sweet potato) was crowned as the champion of the nutrients in vegetables group. There are 3 types of sweet potatoes, white potatoes namely, potato yellow / red and purple potatoes. Carbohydrates in sweet potato slower increase in blood sugar because it has a low GI levels namely 54. The vitamin A it is almost twice that of the recommended daily consumption. While the content of vitamin C can meet 60 percent of the body's daily requirement for vitamin C. And the color purple on purple sweet potato is the most complete source of antioxidants. In 100 grams of sweet potato contains calories 123 kcal, 62.24 grams of water, 27.9 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fat, 1.8 grams protein, 30 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 49 mg, 1 mg, 1 mg of iron, beta-carotene 260 meg, 60 IU of vitamin A , 0:09 milligrams of vitamin B1, and vitamin C is 22 milligrams. Sweet potatoes are easy to digest and high fiber content prevents constipation and suitable to maintain body weight. Advised to consume sweet potatoes should be boiled or steamed, baked, when cooked with the skin contains more fiber than oatmeal.

8. Canna Substitute Rice
Canna is a kind of tuber-producing plants are quite popular, but its sustainability is increasingly threatened because not many people who grow and consume. Canna tubers contain starch, although not as much as yams. For most people of Indonesia, this plant is quite foreign. Even some people take it as a wild plant. In fact, this plant can be a substitute for rice foods that are healthy enough to level 65. GI being the biggest contribution of canna are calcium and phosphorus that canna can be used to address the problem of malnutrition in children under five. In 100 grams of canna contains Calories 95 kcal, 22.60 grams carbohydrates, 1:07 grams of protein, 0.1 grams fat, 75 grams of water, 21 grams of calcium, phosphorus 70 grams, 20 milligrams of iron, vitamin B1 0.1 milligrams, and 10 milligrams of vitamin C . With the sweet taste and is cool canna also has many benefits to overcome some diseases. Among reliever fever, urinary laxative, sedative and lowers blood pressure. Ganyonh advised to consume should be boiled or steamed, or can also be processed into flour.

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