Dragon Fruit for Health Benefits

Online Health - Lately, dragon fruit has successfully become an idol for fruit lovers. This then makes many of our farmers are switching from another plant to fruit dragon fruit. Sweet taste makes himself loved by the public. In addition to sweet, dragon fruit also contains many nutrients that are good for health.

Dragon fruit itself is a fruit that has some kind. Two types of dragon fruit is the most famous red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit. The content of both types of dragon fruit is almost the same as they both contain protein, fiber, iron, vitamins and others. With the contents are, I wonder if the dragon fruit has many benefits for the body.

Dragon Fruit for Health Benefits

Here I will explain about the benefits of dragon fruit to human health.

Lowering Cholesterol
Benefits of the first dragon fruit is a cholesterol-lowering. Dragon fruit is a fruit rich in vitamin B3. The content of vitamin B3 in the dragon fruit is able to make the bad cholesterol in the body down. In addition, vitamin B3 also able to make the blood pressure remained in the normal state.

Good for Diet
Dragon fruit contains vitamins complete so it is either eaten by those of you who are running the diet program. The content of vitamins in the dragon fruit is able to make your body steady when you hit the food in order to get a proportional body shape. Remember that a good diet is a diet that still pay attention to the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Launched defecation
Efficacy hereinafter dragon fruit is to facilitate defecation. Now you do not need to bother thinking about what fruit is able to smooth bowel movement quickly. You only need to consume dragon fruit. To obtain a more rapid effect, you should consume in the form of juice. The fiber content is what makes you become easier defecation.

Maintain Eye Health
Benefits to the next is to support eye health. Dragon fruit is a fruit that is rich in beta carotene. The content of beta-carotene in the dragon fruit is able to make eye becoming more healthy. The amount of beta-carotene in one hundred grams of dragon fruit is the same as the beta-carotene in carrots sertus grams. Therefore, eat dragon fruit so that your eyes can stay healthy and clear.

Ward off free radicals
Dragon fruit is a fruit that is rich in anti-oxidants. High anti-oxidant that will make your body is protected from free radical attack. In addition to functioning as a free-radical scavengers, anti-oxidants in dragon fruit also serves as a deterrent against cancer.

Prevent Acne
How to prevent acne with dragon fruit is not to be consumed. You have to use it in the form of a mask for the face. How to make it pretty easy. Dragon fruit smoothes your stay together a little water in a blender manner. After that, apply a dragon fruit had to face and wait a few moments. Once it starts to dry out, you can clean it by washing your face. Do this routine every 2 days and get a clean face glow.

That's some dragon fruit benefits for human health. Seeing the benefits are plentiful, you should begin to routinely consume. That way, your body will remain in excellent condition. Good luck!

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