Bengkoang Benefits for Health and Beauty

Online Health - Yam is a fruit that contains a lot of water, so the taste is on offer is fresh and sweet. Bengkoang itself grows in the ground, which included fruit in tubers. Unique side here is, the fruit of life in the soil, and tubers but has a fresh taste, unlike other bulbs.

Bengkoang also contain vitamin C, iron, calcium, fat, carbohydrates and B vitamins, which are good and needed by the body. In fact, many Bengkoang now be made in terms of the main ingredients in beauty treatments for both men and women. Which can be obtained in a natural way and buy the products that instant.

Ingredients and Benefits Bengkoang
The content contained on Bengkoang not only for beauty treatments, but also as a nutrient for health care. Benefits Bengkoang between are:

The content of vitamin C
Bengkoang containing vitamin C, can be used as antioxidants that are good for the body. As well as thrush medicine because of its vitamin C. In addition, relatively abundant water content are also hidden and embedded in vitamin C. Vitamin C in Bengkoang can also be used to lower cholesterol buildup in the body. Bad cholesterol should be immediately disposed of, if you keep settles in the body, can cause a variety of diseases.

The content of alkali compounds
In the Bengkoang, contained alkaline compound that can cure an ulcer. Very good for people with ulcers, if not soon be overcome, the mag will become chronic. Alkaline compound here, serves to stabilize the levels of stomach acid, so it can be normal gastric acid.

Insulin content
Insulin content inside Bengkoang can provide a sweet taste, which is not harmful to the sweet taste of diabetics. When taking her blood sugar levels will not rise and remain stable. Because the sweetness of insulin can not be digested by our bodies, so Bengkoang safe for consumption by diabetics.

Bengkoang also contain substances that form fosfornan high calcium. Serves to maintain the growth of teeth and bones. So it can compensate Bengkoang consumption of calcium is needed by the bones and teeth to grow and strong. The body needs to meet calcium and phosphorus were fulfilled. Where can you find the sweet tuber fresh nan's. So it is not easy porous bones, and teeth were still strong.

It is very rich in benefits for health care bengkoang body. Which provides benefits to the body, both for women and men. Jam it, Bengkoang also can be consumed at any time, while still in season. Because Bengkoang not always grow in different seasons.

Bengkoang treatments performed with ease and comfort, in addition to its consumption directly or by other means. Which is certainly beneficial to the body and is also needed by the body, to grow. In addition, there are many more benefits Bengkoang on skin and facial beauty.

The most commonly used by women, in order to preserve and protect the beautiful. Either by natural means or by other non-natural treatments. But now will discuss the benefits of Bengkoang on the face and skin care, beauty such as:

Brighten skin
The content of starch Bengkoang can be made masks are used to brighten the face. Removes stains dull or dark spots on the face. How to get the quintessence Bengkoang is to Bengkoang peeled, washed thoroughly, grated, squeezed the water, then wait for it to settle juice. And the result of sediment that is called quintessence Bengkoang. You can use it directly as a face mask, you can also crept right and drying to dry, so it can be used at a later time.

Use this Bengkoang mask at night, before bedtime. And the next day can rinse with water. This is because let quintessence Bengkoang absorbed by the skin, so that the nutrients in Bengkoang in use for a facial mask to work optimally. And can you use regularly in the evenings, so that the results obtained, the skin can be naturally bright.

Prevent premature aging of the face
The content of vitamin C in the yam, very powerful properties to prevent premature aging of the face. Where Bengkoang can be eaten or used as a face mask. But to the excess, you can use as a mask at night. The content of vitamin C in the yam is also able to protect the skin from free radicals sunlight.

Caring for the skin to look healthy
B vitamins and vitamin C are combined with mineral content in Bengkoang, able to make the skin look healthy and fresh. Yam can be consumed directly, or in make juice, but not added to the other menus. Where only Bengkoang alone, without additional milk and sugar. In addition it can also be a mask on the face, or on the skin such as in the arm.

Moisturizing the skin
Yam contains a lot of water, otherwise it appears to taste sweet and fresh. High water levels in the Bengkoang have anti-inflammatory elements, which cools the skin from dryness that attacks the skin from the sun is very hot. By using Bengkoang for face masks. So that the skin can appear avoid dryness, and look fresh.

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