10 Wonders of the eggplant for your Health and Beauty

Online Health - Especially in Indonesia, sometimes also called the eggplant fruit eggplant fruit, while in Latin fruit is referred to as Solanum melongena, generally this fruit is a fruit made in vegetables. This magical fruit in trust comes from Sri Lanka and India. Many people who love this eggplant vegetable and vice versa, for reasons vary.

To shorten the time, we just see anything surprising benefits of this eggplant fruit for your health. Here it is them.

1. Prevent Diabetes
High-fiber foods such as eggplant and also low-carb certainly very good for diabetics. Moreover, if we consume regularly eggplant then sugar levels will decrease and stable.

2. Prevent atherosclerosis
By eating eggplant regularly, can reduce the fat in the arteries so as to avoid the risk of atherosclerosis.

3. Moisturize skin
If you have a problem with dry skin, it is better to consume eggplant. Because eggplant can help moisturize your skin from within.

4. Reduce the risk of heart attack
The presence of fiber, beta carotene and anti-oxidant that is very high making the eggplant into one of the plants that can prevent a person having a heart attack when consumed regularly.

5. Lose weight
Fiber in eggplant can make us not easily hungry and help speed up the body's metabolic processes. In addition eggplant can also assist in the process of fat burning in the body. Therefore, for those of you who feel a lot of fat is a good idea to try the menu of eggplant.

6. Reduce the risk of neurological disorders
The content of scopoletin and scoparone contained in eggplant can reduce psychological shocks and reduce stress. In addition eggplant can also prevent epilepsy and other causes of stress.

7. Digestion
As we know that fiber is very important for our body. Because fiber can help facilitate digestion and defecation. This is one of the benefits of eggplant were pretty good. It is estimated that, in the fiber content up to 2 grams of eggplant.

8. Preventing cancer risk
In addition to preventing heart attacks, neurological disorders, and digestion, as well as lose weight. Eggplant is also one of the types of vegetables that can prevent cancer risk. This is caused by the presence of inhibitors in these vegetables.

9. Lowering hypertension
Eggplant is very rich in potassium which is about 217mg / 100gram. Tinggtinya due to its potassium content, it is effective to prevent hypertension.

10. Treating back pain
By eating eggplant on a regular basis, then back pain include lumbar stiffness, pain, gout, and so on can be resolved.

After learning the wonders of eggplant benefits for health and beauty, there is nothing wrong if you make the eggplant as a menu favorite at home because it is very rich in benefits.

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