Benefits of Vitamin C from tip to toe

Online Health - Vitamin C is one type of water-soluble vitamins and has an important role in warding off various types of diseases. Moreover, this vitamin is also known by the chemical name of its main form of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C belonged antioxidant vitamins can ward off a variety of extracellular free radicals. Some characteristics include very easily oxidized by heat, light, and metal. Although citrus fruit known as the largest producer of vitamin C, but in fact it is a big mistake, because lemons contain more vitamin C than oranges 47 percent.

Do you know if it's vitamin C is very important for our health. Therefore as much as possible we have to get the intake of foods containing vitamin C as an example such as citrus fruit. Requirement of vitamin C every person is different, depending on age, psychological conditions, or the amount of activity. However, everyone can get enough vitamin C intake by consuming them in small quantities and routine. Actually, this way is much more effective because of vitamin C in the body will be continuously. The body that has sufficient intake of vitamin C will be spared from infection, bleeding gums, and joint pain.

The benefits of vitamin C that is active as a compound-forming collagen, which is an important protein constituent of skin tissue, bones, joints, and so forth. Investigate a investigate, based on the results of the study revealed that the benefits of vitamin C can lower cholesterol levels and can also produce certain chemicals in the brain. Thanks to the high content of antioxidants in vitamin C also can destroy free radicals that can damage cells in our body. For more details, here we describe some of the benefits of vitamin C that is worth for you to know include:

Preventing Cancer
At this time we often eat a light meal that contains preservatives that can cause cancer. However, based on the results of the study showed that some women who consume a lot of vitamin C from foods such as fruits or vegetables, have a lower risk of getting cancer. Unsparing, even some research indicates that the benefits of vitamin C can be used as toxic to cancer cells.

Reducing the effects of chemotherapy
As we know, based on the many studies that have been done to prove that vitamin C is able to fight cancer in several stages. Having tricked deeper, apparently vitamin C can also minimize the effects of chemotherapy such as nausea.

Minimize the risk of heart attack
Vitamin C is able to eliminate atherosclerosis in the heart. Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the heart arteries may thicken and trigger a heart attack because the blood becomes smooth.

Repair of cells and tissue
Aside from being an antioxidant, vitamin C can improve the body's cells and tissues damaged skin from free radicals. While in the beauty care, vitamin C has an active role in blood circulation so that the skin will look more fresh. In addition, this vitamin also helps improve skin collagen formation and protect it from damage. Actually, vitamin C has properties that can store water so that could keep the skin moist and prevent it from drying out.

Controlling blood pressure
High blood pressure is a disease that is very dangerous and can cause sudden death in people who are suffering. However, taking vitamin C at the recommended doses on a regular basis can reduce blood pressure and damage to the heart and kidneys.

Inhibits the aging process
If taken properly and regularly, then vitamin C can inhibit the aging process, smooth the skin, while inhibiting the tyrosinase enzyme performance; an enzyme that assists the formation of pigment in the skin. If the pigmentation process is blocked, it will automatically skin will look brighter and cleaner blushing.

Avoid the risk of asthma
Based on the results of the study showed that people who suffer from asthma generally have a less amount of vitamin C in their bodies. Therefore vitamin C regularly will help you to avoid problems shortness of breath or asthma.

Helps improve mood
Lack of vitamin C can result in physiological changes. based on research from McGill University stated that vitamin C supplementation of 500 mg twice daily for hospitalized patients who experience a lack of vitamin C, can significantly help to improve the atmosphere of the state of their hearts. It is one of the functions of vitamin C that is highly recommended for those who often feel restless, and so on.

Preventing diabetes
Vitamin C is beneficial for lowering sugar levels in the body and can help to prevent the adverse effects of diabetes on the sufferer. It's good to replace your sweet snack with oranges or other fruits that contain vitamin C.

Ward stroke
A diet high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can help to ward off cardiovascular disease. However, based on several studies showed that those with the highest levels of vitamin C in the body are at the lowest risk for stroke, particularly in women.

Reducing the risk of cramps after exercise
Without us knowing it seems vitamin C plays an active role in reducing pain or cramping that usually occurs after exercise. Additionally, vitamin C also can reduce the production of free radicals.

Avoid cataracts
Due to lack of vitamin C, usually eye lens will be opaque so that it can cause your view is blurred. But things like this can you avoid the regular consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C.

Helps improve fitness
Associated with nature that can counteract free radicals, the vitamin C can also help to reduce the rate of mutation in the body so that we can keep in shape if consumed regularly.

Troubleshooting flu
Actually, vitamin C does not directly cure the flu. However, vitamin C can accelerate the healing of the flu.

Keep in mind, to maintain health and increase endurance, it is suggested that taking vitamin C at a dose of between 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day. To maintain the beauty of the skin needs vitamin C at a dose of 500 to 2,000 milligrams per day. To reduce black spots on the skin of vitamin C is recommended to consume between 2,000 and 4,000 milligrams per day in the form of buffer (no acid) that can be consumed 1 to 1.5 hours after eating. However, although safe in high doses and is soluble in water, there are some people who can not consume vitamin C because it can lead to stomach problems. Because the majority of high doses of vitamin C can cause stomach acid reaction and lead to ulcer recurrence. It can not be denied that vitamin C is beneficial from head to toe even.

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