Eggs For Health Benefits

Online Health - Benefits of eggs for health is already no doubt, because eggs contain many nutrients and nutrients needed by our body. Egg itself has several sections including the shell, yolk and egg white. Egg yolk is actually an embryo that will become a chicken when it is incubated. While the egg white is a clear liquid that protects the egg yolk.

Egg white and egg yolk contains nutrients and nutrition are almost the same, but unfortunately there are still many people who are afraid to eat the yolk because there cholesterol content. Nonetheless, the yolk still can be consumed as long as not excessive.

Egg yolks do contain cholesterol, but that does not mean egg yolks are not healthy for our consumption. In egg yolk are many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Such as B6, folate, B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. All of these vitamins and minerals are needed by the body with each different interests.

Egg yolks also contain other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and selenium. Some content is actually contained in the white part of the egg, but the content is not as much as in egg yolk. Such as iron, the yolk contained iron content of 93% while the rest are in the egg white. Here are some health benefits of eggs for our bodies as quoted from

Good for eye health
The content of carotenoids in egg yolk is very large. Carotenoids are pigments that give yellow color in egg yolk that can help reduce the risk of vision degeneration and cataracts in the eyes. In addition to the antioxidants found in eggs also can counteract free radicals that can damage the eye's retina.

Can create a healthy heart
Turns yolk can also make us healthy heart, choline content contained in egg yolk may help maximize cardiovascular function. Various studies have proved this and the egg was suggested as one of the breakfast menu.

Helps brain development
One part of the egg that can help brain development is the yolk because it contains B-complex vitamins and choline which is well known to help the nervous system function. Choline also may help brain development in the fetus if taken by pregnant women.

In addition to some of the benefits above, a protein found in egg also can make us full longer. Eggs are many suggested as a nutritional complement our daily menu. So there is no harm if we consume the eggs to get the health benefits of eggs to the maximum. Good luck!

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