Various Benefits of Mushrooms for Health

Online Health - Eating mushrooms turned out not only to satisfy the tongue and filling the stomach because there are many useful benefits of mushrooms for a healthy body.

The fungus contained in the immunomodulatory compound beta-glucan which is very nutritious for human health. Research on the benefits of this fungus carried out by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).

There are several types of fungi that have been studied by a team of BPPT include Mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae), Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sp), Ear Fungus (Auricularia auricular), Mushroom Cats (Aagaricus sp), as well as Shitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes).

From the results of these studies, only Shitake Mushroom and who has qualified content of beta-glucan that is easy to diluted back. Beta-glucan is a component of the fungal cell wall. Other components include mannoprotein, chitin, and the plasma membrane glycoprotein.

In the literature, it is mentioned that the edible mushroom has various health benefits, among others, for anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol, and can increase stamina and fitness.

In fungi there is also a glutamic acid content which can enhance the aroma and flavor of dishes. Hence, it is expected the longer there will be more people who eat mushrooms to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

Shitake mushrooms, inhibitors of HIV Virus
One of the reasons why the BPPT to do research on the efficacy of edible mushroom and then socialize is because the fungus-especially Shitake-have beta-glucan compounds to inhibit the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficency Virus).

As known, the HIV virus resulted in a decreased immune system for the sufferer who later called AIDS. As for the ability to inhibit HIV Shitake Mushrooms has previously been tested in a study in Japan.

Actually, besides Shitake Mushrooms, content of beta-glucan contained in other food mushrooms also have the ability to boost the immune system and also useful as a cholesterol-lowering, anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-diabetic. The advantages of beta-glucan this nature is never broken even mushrooms cooked with high temperature.

The nutrient content in mushrooms may be quite high, which also includes the protein, unsaturated fats, fiber, essential amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and more.

Hopefully, by the increase in consumption of edible mushroom, can help reduce the people who suffer from malnutrition during this amount is still quite significant.

Benefits Oyster Mushrooms
In addition Shitake Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom also has many nutrients and beneficial for health. Oyster mushrooms contain water, calories, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, vitamin B1, B2, and vitamin C.

In every 100 grams of oyster mushroom, there are 367 calories, 10-30% protein, 56% carbohydrate, 17% fat, and much more. Calories are contained Oyster Mushroom is 100 kj / 100 gram with 72 percent saturated fat. Oyster Mushrooms contain fiber content up to 24% so it is suitable for dieting.

Some of the benefits that are owned by Oyster Mushrooms are cholesterol-lowering, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor so that the oyster mushroom is also widely used to treat berbaagai diseases ranging from diabetes, liver, and others. For those who want to lose weight can also eat oyster mushroom is because a lot of fiber.

With so many benefits that are owned by the edible mushroom, especially the oyster mushrooms and Shitake Mushrooms, then consuming it can be an alternative to maintaining your health.

It would be nice if you could eat edible mushroom consistently because besides it tastes good, too many properties contained therein.

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