Potatoes for Health Benefits

Online Health - Potatoes are a type of vegetable and one family of tubers from the United States. But with the times these plants are cultivated and developed in other countries, especially in Indonesia. Potatoes have become a popular food in many countries they even use it for food alternative to rice and assist the process of natural diet.

In addition, potatoes have become an alternative medicine to cure diabetes (diabetes) that is used by healers and traditional herbal medicine. Because the content of potato that has the function to neutralize a variety of bacteria and germs that enter the body. If processed in any form, the content of the potatoes will not disappear at all. Because the temperature levels in the potato is not changeable.

Nutrition Potatoes
Existing content in potato consists of 70% nutrition and 30% other substances. Other substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamins and other minerals. The content of this potato can be used as a benchmark daily diet to consume it because it is good for the health of the body. Thus was the consumption of potatoes in any form.

Efficacy Potatoes For Body Health

There are several benefits of potatoes for health, among others:

Rich in fiber and prevent various diseases
The fiber content in the potato is very high comparable to wheat. Beneficial fiber for digestive system in the body. Highly recommended for consumption for those who lean and less weight. Also can be used to program the people who diet. Because potatoes are useful to measure the levels of calories that will be removed by the body.

The fiber content in potatoes can prevent many problems that arise in the digestive system. Besides it can prevent the onset of heart disease, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer according to research by nutritionists. Vitamin B6 in potatoes can destroy the tumor and the growing crystal as a virus in the body and prevent neurological disorders.

Helps lower cholesterol levels
Potatoes contain a lot of calories as rice. However, the potato has a soft texture and make sense of satiety more durable because the stack calorie balanced and creamy. Moreover, it can help decrease cholesterol levels in the body. Potassium beneficial substances to destroy the pile cholesterol in the digestive system, especially the circulatory system. This need to know to always consume potatoes regularly.

Prevent kidney stones and reduce inflammation
Potatoes contain a lot of iron and calcium precipitates will form and cause kidney stones and uric acid levels in the blood circulatory system. But the magnesium content of potatoes that many of her can prevent kidney stones and refuse sediment in the network system. Therefore, potatoes proven to prevent and treat kidney stones. Similarly, the doctors advice that eating potatoes for people with kidney stones is very good.

Relieves stress and good for brain development
The content of vitamin B6 in potatoes can relieve stress in the mind. Because the hormone adrenaline can renew cells and makes the mind and body feel relaxed, fun and fosters a feeling of calm. In addition, Vitamin B6 can also help the development of the brain and nervous system. Potatoes also contain a lot of copper and iron.

Skin care and beauty
Benefits potatoes the other is for beauty. Vitamin C in potatoes very well and good for the skin, especially the face that can make the skin soft, smooth and glowing. We can use a potato to eliminate the onset of swelling and dark circles in the eye by way of slicing the potatoes and then paste in the eye, wait about 30 minutes.

In addition it can also be made to mask facial skin beauty by making the potato juice and apply the results to the entire face to look beautiful and shiny. The content of nutrients in potatoes can cure acne on the face by a thin slice of potato and paste the parts of the cut in the face of an infected pimple. For more details, please read the article on how to make a potato mask.

Prevent high blood pressure and healthy bones
Potatoes containing calcium, potassium and magnesium are very good and can be trusted to prevent and reduce high blood pressure in the body. In addition, iron content can assist the growth and overall perfect for bone and form a good strength and structure to the bone.

If we want to consume potatoes, should consider well about the processing and presentation that are not wrong and lead to wastage of nutrients in potatoes and the body can not enjoy the absorption of nutrients. There are several ways potatoes are good and right, among others:
  • If you want regular consumption should be boiled potatoes.
  • If you want to vary should be made potato soup or cooked with soy sauce.
  • Do not get burned potatoes due to the health effects of poor combustion in the body.
  • Do not get fried, but without oil because it may damage the nutrients and the resulting negative effects in the body.

That is some of the properties and processing potatoes are good and right to health in order to prevent the body from disease and healthy always.

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