Food Sources of Iron-Containing

Online Health - Iron is a substance that is essential for our body. The function of these substances in our bodies is a substance that carries oxygen to the blood cells in our body. Iron also has other functions such as:

Hemoglobin formation
This substance is very helpful in the process of formation of hemoglobin. Not only that iron also serves as a substance that gives color to dark red blood.

Helps muscle function in order to maximize
Iron is a role for those who want to get into shape. Because this substance is always necessary to supply oxygen when the muscles contract. Therefore, for those who are running the program to get the ideal body you are required to consume foods that contain a lot of iron.

Source of iron may be obtained through the food we consume daily. Here we explain some of the meal is referred to as a source of iron. Here are some healthy menus can we consume every day to meet the needs of iron:

Source of Iron Animal

Marine fish known as a source of omega 3 and omega 6. Additionally in 100 grams of fish turned out to contain 3.8mg of iron.

Eggs are rich in minerals and vitamin B. The eggs are either consumed as breakfast menu. This is due in the egg contains a lot of iron. Not yet known how many mg of content in eggs. However, the iron in the eggs good for the formation of hemoglobin in the early morning.

In 100 grams of beef contains 2.8mg of iron. In addition, in 100 grams and 14 grams of fat 21kkal. But beef is not consumed as a daily menu. That's because the beef can accelerate the accumulation of fat in the body, so that the risk of causing obesity (overweight).

Source of Iron of Fruits

Additionally it contains a lot of vitamin C, oranges also contain iron which is good for the formation of hemoglobin in the body.

The name of this fruit is quite unfamiliar to the people of Indonesia. Understandable considering the fruit is rarely cultivated in the country. Even so, apricot highly recommended for consumption because it contains a lot of iron.

In the cup of prune juice contains 3 mg of iron. The fruit is much better than papaya and apple as a source of iron. Grape-like fruit that color is also able to overcome digestive problems such as constipation.

Green Bit
In the green bits contained a lot of good iron to assist in the formation of blood. In addition, in the green bits contained vitamin A and B3.

Source of Iron from vegetables

Buy corn contains many substances. In addition there are other substances iron contained in corn are vitamin A and vitamin C.

Additionally it contains a lot of vitamins A and K, spinach also contains a lot of iron. In 100 grams of spinach contains 3.5 mg of iron.

Based on the results of the study conducted in several developing countries, potatoes turned out to have a lot of iron content.

Aside from natural materials, iron also may be obtained from processed ingredients that can be encountered in everyday life. Here's a list of menu preparations containing much iron can we encounter in everyday life:

Wheat Bread
Bread made from wheat that was a lot of iron which is critical to our body. In addition, whole wheat bread can also be used as a diet.

In the cup of instant cereal contained 18mg of iron. Therefore, it is advisable to eat cereal at breakfast. In addition to iron, there are also quite high carbohydrate content.

A cup of oatmeal contains 1 mg of iron. Indeed, very little, but it can be used as a substitute menu to meet your iron if it has been bored with your daily menu.

In addition to containing a base that serves as a regulator of acidity in the body, raisins also contain a lot of iron.

Low-fat yogurt
In the cup of low-fat yogurt contains iron. In addition, yogurt also serve as the formation of calcium in the bones.

Skimmed milk
Skimmed milk is usually used as a complement to iron that our body needs.

Well, from now on we must not ignore the needs of our body such as iron, for example. Lack of iron can make your body feel weak. In addition, iron deficiency can also cause anemia or lack of red blood. Certainly if we hit Anemia can cause dangerous side effects. Do not let our bodies suffer just because of trivial things such as iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency
Recognize the signs of iron deficiency before the various diseases attacking you. Here are the signs of our body iron deficiency:

Often shortness of breath
This is due to lack of iron in the body. Because the iron in the body serves as a carrier of oxygen in the blood. If we lack of iron, the blood would not teraliri oxygen evenly so that causes a person to experience shortness of breath.

Easy brittle nails
Easy brittle nails can be affected due to lack of iron in the body.

Skin looks pale
This happens due to lack of blood supply due to a lack of iron in the body. Because iron is also influential in the formation of red blood cells.

Easily tired
We are easily tired because the body iron deficiency that makes the blood flow is not smooth so that your body will feel weak when we indulge.

Mood volatile
Less smooth flow of blood in the body making sensitive nerves that make easy to change one's mood.

Early Menopause
This is because a woman whose menstrual periods stop at a young age she is iron deficiency. Harmful not? Premature menopause makes women very sad because of the early age they could not produce offspring.

The above can be overcome if we are able to meet the needs of iron needed our bodies. But it is recommended to change the menu every day. Due to excessive something negative effects as well. Hope it is useful.

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