Benefits and Benefits Betel Leaves

Online Health - Betel is one of the herbs that grow in Indonesia. Tree climbing and have a heart-shaped leaves. How to breed these plants is by cutting the stems are then planted in the ground roots directly. This plant is often used as decoration in front of the house because of its beautiful. And in addition to the beauty of this plant, it is the betel plant that has many properties are on the leaves.

Betel itself there are several types, but are known to the public, there are two, namely red and green betel nut. Betel leaves are widely used as traditional medicine ancient times because of its efficacy. Unfortunately, many people do not understand this so take advantage of betel simply as decoration.

Betel leaf Benefits for Health
Therefore, here I will share with you about the benefits of betel leaf for health so that you can better take advantage of this plant.

Dental Pain Medication
The trick is to chew betel leaves raw. Spicy taste and aroma that can not disappear from muut then make a lot of people are reluctant to do this way. Then to keep this benefit, they change the way of chewing betel leaves directly into boiling them first and then use boiled water as a mouthwash. In this way, they can treat toothache without having to make their breath always smelled of betel. And besides as toothache medicine, the way is also able to heal canker sores and bad breath that often makes you less confident.

Treating Whitish
Betel leaves contain natural antibiotics that kill bacteria that menebabkan this disease. How to use it is to boil the leaves. After boiling, you have to cool it down first and then use boiled water instead of water earlier when cebok. Do not forget to apply the correct technique when cebok ie from the front backwards.

Treating Nosebleeds
Betel leaves can prevent minor bleeding such as nosebleeds. The trick is to make the betel leaves a little bruised by hitting thine then roll it and put it bore nose. Allow up to the nosebleed had stopped and did not seem to flow again. Aside from being a little bleeding inhibitor, betel leaves are also useful as a cure burns. For first aid for burns, you only need to heat the betel leaves that wilt then meeletakkannya above the wound.

Preventing Heart Disease
Benefits next betel leaf is as a drug to prevent heart disease. Because vitamins and iron-very high, soursop leaves can be used as drugs to prevent heart attacks. How to get these benefits is by boiling and then drink boiled water in a cold state. Jam it, betel leaves are also useful as a reliever and fever pana. Same way is to drink water godokan betel leaves during the ongoing pain and stop when the disease has been completely lost.

Drug Itchy Skin
Benefits next betel leaf is a drug itching. To make the itch medication, you have to do is smooth the betel leaf and then put it on the skin of someone who experienced itching. In addition to treating the itching, the herb can also be used as a drug other skin diseases.

Similarly, a review of the health benefits for the betel leaf. By knowing about the above, we hope you can find answers to the drug you are suffering from the disease. By doing so, you will be someone who is very healthy and strong. Hopefully bemanfaat

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