Lychee Fruit Benefits for Body Health

Online Health - The tiny little lychee fruit is a fruit that is very popular presence in Indonesia. Indonesian people usually take advantage of this fruit to be made into drinks such as fruit juices and soup mix. The fruit that comes from china is already very well known worldwide and many countries from Taiwan to selurung Asian countries, including Indonesia. Abortion nutritious produce benefits lychee fruit is good for the body.

In the form of fruit is almost like strawberries, only the lychee fruit there is a fairly large seeds that are not found in strawberries. While still raw lychee fruit is green and when ripe will turn red-brown. Various contents can be obtained from this fruit such as vitamins, minerals, protein, fats potassium and some other substances that are beneficial to the body. In scientific terms lychee fruit known as Litchi Chinensis and is a fruit that grows in tropical climates such as Indonesia.

In every 100 grams of fruit lychee vitamin C contained as much as 72 grams or 40% more than the content contained in oranges. If you regularly consume this fruit, you will be able to feel the benefits for the body. Here are various benefits of lychee fruit we can get.

1. Helps to Reduce Hypertension
Various things can cause hypertension, either because they are less healthy diet. Too much consumption and high cholesterol foods to be one of the triggers hypertension and to help lower blood pressure, you can consume lychee fruit regularly because in this fruit contained a fairly high potassium that can lower blood pressure.

2. Prevent Cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease. So you avoid the disease you can consume lychee fruit is eaten either directly or processed into a beverage. This lychee fruit benefits thanks to its flavonoids can help fight this cancer. Other content such as flavones, quercitin and kaempferol are both compounds that can reduce cancer cell proliferation.

3. Maintain Heart Health
Blood pressure and pulse abnormal can trigger sudden cardiac arrest. Lychee fruit can normalize blood pressure and abnormal heart rate so that you will avoid the symptoms of coronary heart disease and stroke. Not only that, the content of antioxidants found in fruit lychee can improve immunity and slow the progress of cataract.

4. Anti-Aging
As people age and the body certainly will experience aging facial skin. It can be caused by various problems such as air pollution and ultraviolet radiation. So that you avoid premature aging, you can consume as lychee lychee fruit can be a source of vitamin C is right to fight free radicals that can cause aging.

5. Maintaining Healthy Hair
Hair is the crown that we must guard beauty and health. Because the lychee fruit has a lot of vitamin C is actively involved maintaining the integrity of the micro circulation to ensure the blood supply and maintain the hair follicles.

6. Maintain Bone Health
The content of phosphorus and magnesium contained in this lychee fruit if we diligently consume every day it will be our menghindaran of calcification of the bones so that bones become healthy and strong. Minerals zinc and copper will increase the effectiveness of vitamin D and calcium which can maintain bone health.

Of the various benefits of lychee fruit mentioned above it can be concluded that the lychee is a fruit that is good to maintain a healthy body and hopefully from this information can provide a good benefit for us all.

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