Benefits of Pala's Good for Health

Online Health - Like most other spices, nutmeg scented spice is one that can provide warmth and taste that is hard to forget after tasting it. Nutmeg is commonly used Chinese and East Indian communities as an herbal remedy or simply as a flavoring dishes. Because it is believed as an herbal remedy, of course, there are the properties of nutmeg for health.

Suspected origin of the nutmeg tree is from the Moluccas, an area of ​​rain forest in Indonesia. Nutmeg is actually the fruit with a single seed and the same size as an apricot. As ripe nutmeg, nutmeg skin will split in two like a curtain.

In Indonesia alone, nutmeg is often presented as a sweet dish made so that fresh or candied nutmeg. Meanwhile, nutmeg powder is used as a seasoning various dishes. Sour taste spicy nutmeg is also a positive effect on your body. Here are some of the properties of nutmeg for health.

1. Removing Toxins from the Body
Many external factors, including stress, smoking, drugs, and diet, resulting in a buildup of toxins in the body organs. Kidneys and liver are two of the most vulnerable organ so toxic gathering place. When consumed, nutmeg can be useful to get rid of these toxins in order not to accumulate. Additionally, nutmeg can also prevent and dissolve kidney stones.

2. Overcoming Digestive Disorders
Efficacy of nutmeg can be used to cure diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and other gastrointestinal problems. Usually dimanfaatka nutmeg oil to relieve abdominal pain by getting rid of excess gas in the digestive organs.

3. Maintain Brain Cleverness
Nutmeg contains a number of essential oils, for example macelignan and myristicin. The second component of essential oil is proven capable of pressing the degradation process of cognitive functions and neural pathways that are often experienced by people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

4. Overcoming BREATH
Efficacy nutmeg This one is closely related to its function as an antibacterial. The main cause of bad breath is bacteria that often accumulate in the mouth, causing odor. As an antibacterial, nutmeg able to clean the mouth of these bacteria.

5. Relieves Pain
Nutmeg has compounds that resemble menthol. As already known, menthol has the ability to relieve pain. Therefore, nutmeg can also be used to help reduce pain due to an injury, wound, or arthritis arthritis.

6. Overcome Sleep Difficulties
Nutmeg is often recommended as a natural insomnia drug. If you often have trouble sleeping, try drinking a glass of warm milk is added a pinch of ground nutmeg at night before bed. The content of magnesium in nutmeg can reduce nervous tension, as well as encouraging the production of serotonin to gave the relaxing effect on the body.

All properties nutmeg can you get enough by eating nutmeg to taste. Do not need a lot, because if Excessive fear can cause health problems instead of curing effect.

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