Efficacy Cinnamon for health

Online Health - Cinnamon is popular as a spice for flavoring various dishes and beverages as has the aroma and distinctive taste. But excess cinnamon not only the aroma and taste. There are many benefits of cinnamon for health, what are they?

Numerous studies have found that a species of cinnamon, cassia cinnamon type commonly used in Indonesia may lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. There is also an assessment of cinnamon which shows that the herb is capable of lowering cholesterol and treating fungal infections in HIV patients. Here are some properties that are believed to be owned by cinnamon.

1. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels.
A number of studies have proven the efficacy of cinnamon to help people who have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is very commonly experienced by patients with type 2 diabetes who must control their blood sugar levels.

2. Relieve Symptoms of Rheumatism.
Research conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine proved that cinnamon can reduce the levels of cytokines, small proteins convinced that acts as a mediator and controller immunity, inflammation, as well hematopoesis one of the triggers of arthritis.

3. Inhibit Development of Cancer Cells.
Research at the University of Texas revealed that cinnamon can reduce the proliferation of cancer cells that can be used to help cure cancer.

4. Reduce LDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides.
According to the Mayo Clinic, cinnamon indirectly reduce cholesterol levels through the processing of sugar and fat in the body. A study in Pakistan found that cinnamon menurungkan triglyceride levels by 23-30%, LDL cholesterol by 7-27%, and total cholesterol as much as 12-26%.

5. Curing Colds, sore throat, and cough.
With cinnamon tea immediately at the first symptoms of a cold or when the itch in the throat is believed to be able to stop the progression of the disease more severe. It deals with the benefits of cinnamon as an anti-bacterial and its warming effect. Traditional Chinese medicine also recommends cinnamon to cough up phlegm.

6. Prevent Alzheimer's Disease.
A study conducted at the University of Tel Aviv find strong evidence that cinnamon can delay the effects of five types of aggressive genes that trigger Alzheimer's. Another study also found that consumption of cinnamon extract improved the cognitive function of Alzheimer's in the study animals to a certain extent.

7. Reduce the Symptoms of PMS.
Cinnamon contains high levels of manganese. According to the University of Maryland, women who consume 5.6 mg of manganese daily has a more stable mood and less cramping than those with deficient intake of manganese. This statement shows that eating enough of excessive manganese are not able to reduce the symptoms of PMS.

Although there are many Khasia cinnamon for health, you should not eat them in large quantities. Consumption of large amounts were concerns that it could bring harm to health. Recommended usage which is about ½ to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily.

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