Leaves Greeting for Health Benefits

Online Health - Certainly a lot of people who already know that the leaves were used and used to flavor in a dish. This is because the rich aroma can arouse your appetite. Unfortunately, few people know that bay leaves have turned out so extraordinary benefits to health. Since ancient times, our ancestors have made use leaves as traditional medicine.

Benefits Leaves Greeting
Leaves can be used as a medicine and prevention of various diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, inflammation, hypertension, gout and many more. For more details, see the following reviews:

To prevent heart disease
Bay leaf was rich in nutrients as well as various compounds one of them is salicylic very important role in maintaining the health of your heart. For those of you who like to enter a bay leaf to your cooking as a flavoring dishes will have a very low risk of heart disease. Well, because of them that you should multiply to consume food containing these leaves so that you avoid his stricken with this highly lethal disease.

As an ulcer drug
Leaves can be a cure for heartburn. For those of you who are now suffering from ulcer middle, then there is a good idea to treat the ulcer with natural remedies. Treatment with bay leaves, of course.

The trick is to take as many as 18 pieces of bay leaves and wash the leaves thoroughly and boil was the bay leaves into boiling water 15 minutes. Then give a little brown sugar to sweeten her and chill the water and after a cold you can drink straight. Do things like this regularly until the pain in your stomach disappear.

Treat strep throat
If you are one of those who know the leaves have a very wide range of benefits that ordinary probe, then you are among those who can be said to be very lucky. How come? It turns out the bay leaf is very effective to prevent and treat various diseases. One of them is an inflammatory disease of the throat or laymen refer to it as a sore throat.

If you want the benefits of this kind, you can boil 10 to 15 leaves was then boiled leaves with a little water up to 3 cups. Then drink boiled water on a regular basis, so sore you get well soon.

Overcome hypertension
Did you know that the leaves also have a substance compounds that can be hypertensive drugs. The compound substance is a substance that allows the tannins and flavonoids could be a cure for those who have hypertension or commonly referred to as high blood pressure, of course. By way of a natural tea leaves. Ways to make the drug is as follows:
  • Take approximately 15 leaves
  • Then wash the leaves thoroughly
  • Then the leaves boiled in water, up to 3 glasses of water supplied
  • After that, if in case the water boils and evaporates so live a little water, then drink immediately have certainly let the water warm or wait until it becomes cold first.
  • And the last one is doing this sort of thing on a regular basis and continue.

Diarrhea medicine
In addition to the above, it turns out leaves can be also used as a natural cure diarrhea. You know not indeed in today's sophisticated already so many drugs on the market that you can buy at affordable price. Unfortunately, these drugs must have no side effects inevitably you will feel after taking the drug. Well, because things like that then it is better you use herbal remedies that you can use. One of them uses the bay leaves.

How: Take approximately 15 fresh bay leaves. The leaf was then boiled in boiling water 2 cups maximum amount of water. Then give salt to taste after doing all of the above, the water waiting for it to cool, after drinking cold water on a regular basis for your diarrhea.

As a remedy for diabetes
Benefits leaves the other is to treat the symptoms of diabetes aka diabetes. If you have this disease, there is a good idea to try traditional medicine or herbs by simply utilizing the bay leaves. The trick is:
  • Take approximately 15 sheets of greeting and wash it clean.
  • The leaf was then boiled using a maximum of 3 cups water and wait until boiling, when the water is boiling the water will automatically be reduced.
  • Then wait until the boiling water was cold, cold drink after the cooking water.
  • To get the maximum benefits and efficacy, create and drink water regularly and routinely.

Whiten teeth
It can be used as a medicinal herb, bay leaves can also be used to whiten teeth. To obtain the uses and benefits of this bay leaves, you must do the following:
  • Provide materials are required, such as orange peel and bay leaves.
  • After the second Jemurlah above ingredients until wilted and dried.
  • Then after all the material was dried mashed mixture on top and give it water. Mix well to form a paste.
  • The last step is to brush your teeth with toothpaste was mentioned. Do this regularly every day to get sparkling white teeth.

How? Pretty much no benefits or benefits that may be obtained from the leaves of course. For those of you who are now middle suffering various diseases like already mentioned above, there is a good idea to try herbs from the use of bay leaves, because you treat your disease naturally, it will avoid all risks posed by drugs sold in pharmacy.

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