Did you know Efficacy Sunflowers?

Online Health - Who does not know Sun flower plants? Apart form that is similar to the sun is always shining on the world is round and yellow, this flower is always facing the sun. Let your attention, usually sunflower will be bent downwards when the night comes, and will confront him again when daylight.

Flowers that have a Latin name Helianthus annuus L, coming from North American soil. In Indonesia alone, precisely in the area of ​​Java, Sun flower was planted since 1919.

The sun flower crops grown in mountainous regions with enough moisture and lots of obtaining direct sunlight. Wet trunked plants usually grow as high as 1 to 3 meters.

Because of its beautiful, this flower is usually only used as an ornamental plant alone. However, along with public awareness of the many benefits it produces, then some people have started to use it for treatment.

The flowers contain helianhoside ABC, quercimeritrin, echinocysat acid, and the acid oleanolat. Then, in the seeds also contain prostagladi E, beta sitosterol, quinat acid, chlorogenic acid, and 3-4 benzopyrine.

In every 100 grams of seeds, there is a total fat content which is comprised of one hundred and 9.8 saturated fat and unsaturated fat as much as 11.7. The rest is linoleic 72.9 and the rest do not contain cholesterol.

All parts of flowers sun has health benefits. For example, interest rates have an effect on lowering blood pressure and as a reduction of pain effectual.

Then, the seeds are useful as anti-dysentery and to treat measles. The leaves also have considerable benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, and analgesic (painkiller).

Likewise with marrow stem which has a property to add vitality, treat liver, alagesik, and others. For treatment on the outside, sun flower can be crushed and then placed on the affected part. For example, to treat ulcers, inflammation of the breast, and rheumatism.

Whereas, for the treatment of the inside of the body, usually the sun flower plant can be boiled and drunk the water. Alternatively, sun flower seeds can be roasted, finely ground, and brewed with hot water.

Usually, treatment with the way it is done to fight bad breath, prevent gastric cancer, bloating, heartburn medication, dysentery, beriberi, malaria, vaginal discharge, hernia, and much more.

If you're suffering from headaches, alternative treatments can use the sun flowers are boiled together the eggs (remember yes, the chicken eggs are not broken). After the water remaining, approximately one glass, drink 2 times daily after meals.

Rheumatic pain
Rheumatic diseases including refractory. However, no need to worry again because it can be cultivated healing by hammering sun flower head. After that, it can be massaged on the affected part.

Mastitis / Breast Inflammation
For treatment, you stay smooth cut flower heads sun to dry. If it is dry, sangrailah to then ground to become flour. Take about 15 grams, and mix with a little white wine, sugar, and half a glass of warm water. Drink water 3 times a day.

Of course, there are many other properties that can be obtained from sun flower. If you live in a cool region, altitude of approximately 1000-1500 meters above sea level, you should plant flowers Sun, either in the garden or in the courtyard of the house. Once upon a time, if you need it, just picking it. Natural treatment that is inexpensive and easy, is not it?

Reminder: Dr. Amarullah H. Siregar, MSc, PhD, an expert in naturopathy and homeopathy states that pregnant women and nursing mothers is not recommended to consume the herb flowers sun.

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