Efficacy Mahkota Dewa Exceptional

Online Health - We are fortunate to live in Indonesia, which is rich in various medicinal plants. For a variety of health complaints or illness is readily available as a cure in nature. And one of the well-known medicinal plants effective in treating a variety of diseases is the crown of the gods. What are the benefits of crown god for your health?

In Java, the plant crown god (Phaleria macrocarpa) since time immemorial commonly grown in home gardens as an ornamental plant or as a shade. Part of the plant crown gods are often used fruit, leaves, and seeds.

Health effects owned by the crown god is its role as an antitumor / anticancer, antibodies, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and anti hiperurinesia or uric acid.

Empirical evidence With regard to the benefits Mahkota Dewa
From empirical evidence or based on user experience, benefits gods crown felt by patients with cancer, diabetes, liver disease, hypertension, dysentery, rheumatism, gout, high cholesterol, down to the diseases that are milder for example spotty, itching, sores, as well as insect bite. In the Moluccas, to crown the god beans are dried and roasted and then brewed as a remedy for gout.

While it is certainly beneficial to health, but the consumption of fruit crown of the gods must carefully. Phaleria contain small amounts of toxins which if taken for long periods can lead to organ damage. Therefore, Phaleria should not be for oral treatment.

Crown gods could act as a spur sintosinon or oxytocin uterine muscle performance that are believed to expedite the delivery process. However, consumption of gods crown during pregnancy is not recommended because the booster effect is feared even cause miscarriage.

Active compounds are owned Mahkota Dewa
Corolla god contain antihistamines, saponins, polyphenols, and alkaloids. Leather Phaleria contains flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids. While Phaleria contain flavonoids, tannins, alkanoid, phenols, saponins, lignans, sterols, and essential oil. The content of flavonoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, saponins, essential oils and tannins known to many health benefits for the body as well as in helping the treatment of certain diseases.

Beneficial alkaloids to stimulate uterine muscle performance so it is believed capable of launching menstruation and childbirth. Polyphenols are a class of compounds sisquiterpen can repair damage to blood vessel walls due to high blood pressure, kolseterol, as well as other diseases. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants antidote to free radicals that can fight cancer cells.

One thing to remember, the consumption of herbal crown god should be immediately stopped if the disease is cured. Because it contains toxins, many herbal experts recommend that crown god only be used in the treatment rather than as a health preserver.

Crown gods have two conflicting sides-benefit crown of the gods to cure disease and its detrimental side effects when consumed as directed. Therefore if you are interested in trying this herb, you should consult with your doctor or herbal experts are to be believed.

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