Ginseng benefits for health

Online Health - You may be wondering why ginseng is said to be "herbal magic"? Ginseng does have many health benefits. Herbal shaped plant roots is believed capable of addressing a variety of health problems. Consider the following article to learn more about the benefits of ginseng.

First, let's discuss about the ginseng itself. Ginseng is one of 11 species of annual plants that grow slowly and have fleshy roots. Ginseng Panax is part of the family of Araliaceae.

Ginesng can only be found in some parts of the world such as in North America and East Asia (especially Korea, northern China, and Eastern Siberia) in cold climates. The only Ginseng is known to grow in warm climates are species Panax Ginseng vietnamensis which was first discovered in the wild jungles of Vietnam.

Ginseng for Health Benefits
Strengthens the immune system and the nervous: Various herbal medicine expert says that ginseng can improve the quality of life. Adaptogenic ability possessed ginseng can help maintain and renew the cells in the body that can slow the aging process. Ginseng can also help you fight infection influenza virus and other viruses.

Relieve mental stress: This herb is able to improve mood, increase mental alertness, and helps reduce fatigue. Other benefits of ginseng is a herbal antidepressant and anti-anxiety (anxiety). While you're stress, including kortiskol adrenal hormones, noradrenaline and adrenaline will be produced and can cause a variety of health complaints. Ginseng can help you to stabilize the levels of these hormones.

Assist the treatment of diabetes: blood sugar levels can decrease after taking ginseng. But, if you are already routinely taking diabetes medications, you should consult with your doctor first before deciding to take ginseng and medicine physician at the same time. The combination of ginseng and medical drugs can make glucose levels too low to the extent of bodily harm.

Preventing cancer: Chinese Medicine Journal revealed that the content of ginsenosides in ginseng have anti-tumor and can induce cell damage prostate cancer, ovarian cancer cells, lung adenocarcinoma cells and neuroblastoma cells. In addition, ginseng is also believed to suppress cancer cell cycle progression of cancer cell growth at the same time.

Lower cholesterol: In some studies, Ginseng proved capable of lowering levels of "bad" cholesterol LDL. Scientists believe that the content of ginsenosides in an important role in delivering the benefits of ginseng to reduce cholesterol.

Skin health care: Drinking ginseng tea good for rehydration and cleanse the skin effectively. Ginseng is also believed to be able to encourage the regeneration of skin cells by increasing the oxygenation of the skin cells. This, too, blood circulation and detoxify the blood that is vital to the health of your skin.

Although there are many benefits of ginseng, but its use is still having a negative effect, especially if consumed by pregnant and lactating mothers. In addition, ginseng also known to influence the reaction of some kind of drug. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before starting regularly eat ginseng.

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