7 Benefits of Pepper for Health are not You Know

Online Health - Pepper or also commonly referred to as pepper is one of the most widely used spice in cooking to add flavor in every meal. In addition to be used as a spice, pepper apparently also good for your health and will provide many benefits when consumed regularly.

In many parts of the world, there are several types of pepper, but the most common are black pepper and white pepper. Both types of pepper is certainly has a variety of health benefits. Such as the prevention of cancer, digestive problems, acne, and so forth. To know more details, let us consider a full explanation regarding the efficacy or pepper eating for health benefits as follows:

1. Prevent Cancer
Benefits of the first black pepper is able to cure cancer. This is because in these ingredients are piperine substances, vitamins C, A and flavonoids are believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

2. Reduce pain and insect bites
In addition to preventing cancer, black pepper is also beneficial as a treatment when you are bitten by an insect. When added as a massage oil, black pepper is known to reduce joint pain.

3. Troubleshooting digestion
Various digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or nausea can be overcome by consuming black pepper. Quite add to your cooking, then the content of beneficial substances contained in the pepper can help relieve digestive problems in a relatively short time.

4. Reduce Depression
Piperine substances contained in it, is useful as an antidepressant. So that black pepper can increase cognitive capacity and reduce depression.

5. Relieves fever and flu
If you have a fever and flu, you can suppress it with a bowl of warm soup mixed with black pepper. Enjoy while it's hot and you will sleep more soundly. Because black pepper can make the nose and throat into relief.

6. Eliminate toxins in the body
In addition, black pepper, can cause people to sweat and frequent urination, to eliminate toxins in the body. It is also good for the heart, because it is very helpful in cleansing the arteries and blood purifying.

7. High blood pressure
In general, pepper and chili very rich in flavonoids, vitamins C and A, a substance that can be beneficial for lowering high blood pressure.

So in conclusion, to get a variety of benefits from one of the ingredients of this dish, you just need to add a bit of black or white pepper into food, That way you will get the benefit of pepper. As for the external treatment like fungus on the skin or treat certain conditions, simply by applying pepper powder on the area to be treated. It's easy and practical once yes, it is worth for you to try at home so that health is always awake.

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