Benefits Jasmine White for Health

Online Health - Jasmine (Jasminum sambac, Ait.) Is the famous flower because the smell. In Indonesia, jasmine tree often found in the yard of the house or as a barrier fence. Jasmine has many benefits and has been used for various purposes since ancient times. It smells as fragrant jasmine flowers made mandatory for celebration and certain rituals. From the smell of indigenous, religious, to the mystical.

But only partially wrote that know the benefits of jasmine flowers and traditional medicine for health. In fact, our ancestors were already using the properties of jasmine flowers for traditional medicine. Among them stop breastfeeding excessive discharge, eye pain medication, headache, fever and shortness of breath.

Jasmine as drug efficacy could not be separated from the compounds in it. No chemical constituents include indole, benzyl, and livalylacetaat. Parts used for the treatment of leaves, roots and flowers.

Here's how traditional medicine using jasmine:

1. Shortness of Breath
Boil 20 leaves of jasmine and salt to taste by using 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Once cool, water jasmine leaf decoction is filtered. Drinking water twice a day every morning and evening.

2. Fever and Headache
If you or your family have a fever, do not panic. Take a handful of leaves and jasmine 10 jasmine flowers, then knead by hand. After wilted and slightly crushed, soaked in water. Water immersion is used to compress the forehead. This method can also be done to treat mild headache.

3. Stung Bee or Other Insects
If you suddenly stung by a bee, take a handful of jasmine flowers, then knead until smooth. Paste jasmine crumpled into the body part bitten by insects or stung by a bee.

4. Eye Hospital
Have you been experiencing eye pain, such as red eye because of irritation or belekan? Actually, these conditions can be treated with the leaves of jasmine. Way, take a handful of leaves of jasmine, then finely crushed. Stick it on the forehead above the eye, when dry replace with new ingredients.

5. Stopping Excessive ASI
Sometimes, there are nursing mothers who breastfed her out too much. Even when the baby does not suckle the milk was still out. It is certainly quite inconvenient, but can be overcome with a mixture of jasmine flowers. The trick, a handful of leaves finely crushed jasmine, then tacked on about breasts. Do it every morning before bathing.

Jasmine flower has many names and titles. Sundanese people call malati, Javanese people call jessamine. In Madura, the call jasmine with malate and the Balinese call menuh. While outsiders, such as in the UK, the brand call Jasmine, the Arabs call 

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