Pomegranate Benefits for Health

Online Health - Pomegranate or pomegranate is a fruit with a red color that turns out to have a lot of nutritional content. Nutrients contained in the fruit is so much especially nutrition skin protection. Some useful nutrient is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging.

Pomegranate Benefits for Beauty
In this modern era, the pomegranate has been processed into a variety of products, both health and beauty. So what are the benefits of pomegranates for the beauty of your skin? Consider the following tips:

Caring for the skin
Pomegranate turned out very rich in collagen. Collagen is the basic component of the skin that keep skin smooth and soft. Not only rich in collagen, the pomegranate compounds also help fibroplats cell growth. Fibroplats are cells that have the duty to produce elastin and fibers that are useful to keep skin smooth and taut. Pomegranate is also able to stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes. This process is the process of forming the outermost cells of the skin.

Helps cell regeneration
If you have freckles on the face or skin, this could be a sign if your skin starts to break down. If your skin has begun to show signs of such, better immediately consume pomegranate. This is because the pomegranate can provide benefits to protect your skin layer and help regenerate skin in the inner layers of your skin. The content of antioxidants in pomegranate skin can also help you ward off free radicals caused by pollution.

Prevent premature aging
You want to look to look like a young impressed? It helps you consume pomegranate. The fruit is in fact contain compounds that function to prevent premature aging. You can consume it in juice form or in the form of oil. But you are advised to use oil only because it proved to be more effective. You can apply pomegranate oil all over your body after bathing. By applying it regularly, your skin will be firmer and younger looking.

Treating Acne
Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin This turned out to have a function to regulate the production of oil on the face. To treat acne using pomegranate easy enough. First pomegranate puree until smooth. Then apply on face to be like a mask. Let it dry and then rinse with cold water. By applying to your face with acne, acne pomegranate will shrink once the existing acne scars on your skin. So, want to be free of acne? Use masks pomegranates regularly.

Moisturize skin
Do you have dry skin? If so, you can use pomegranate to moisturize. Pomegranates have very little meat structure. This size can cause the pomegranate can get into the deepest part of your skin. By entering into your skin, pomegranate will work to moisturize your skin. Not only moisturize the skin only, pomegranate is also able to cope with the irritation of the skin. This is because the pomegranate contains omega 5 which serves to keep moisture from your skin.

Treating skin irritation and skin burning
Pomegranate it can also be used as an ointment to treat your skin are injured. This is because the pomegranate contains compounds called polyphenols. In addition to polyphenols, pomegranate also contains other substances called anti-inflammatory substances. Both of these substances that can be used to treat skin irritation or burns affected.

How to make it too easy, you can refine pomegranate and then paste it on your skin are injured. Let dry and rinse with cold water slowly so as not to cause pain. Do this treatment until your wounds heal properly. In order to maximize results, you are also advised to drink fruit juice to your skin wound is completely healed.

Pomegranate Benefits for Health
The benefits of pomegranate is not only for beauty, but also for health. Pomegranate is used to treat anemia aka anemia. In addition, the fruit is also very well taken by pregnant women.

Overcome and prevent cancer
In the pomegranate contains a substance called flavenoids. Flavenoids substance is a kind of high antioxidant substances that are very useful to prevent cancer in your body. If a person is infected with cancer, it is better to consume fruit on this one because the fruit is proved unable to fight cancer cells growing. Some types of cancer can be treated with pomegranate juice, among others, breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Overcoming anemia
Not only vitamin that is useful to you beautify it. Pomegranate fruit also contains iron. Iron content in pomegranates this fact can treat you who have anemia. For those of you who have anemia, you can make pomegranate juice and drink it regularly. Not only serves to treat your anemia alone. Pomegranate was also able to prevent anemia early.

Other benefits of pomegranate
In addition to the above benefits, there are other benefits of pomegranate, especially for women who are pregnant. If you are pregnant, it is better to consume pomegranate. The fact if the pomegranate can reduce the chances of having a baby born prematurely. In addition to consuming pomegranate weight bada will make your baby becomes more standardized. For those of you who are old, pomegranate also has properties that are very good if you consume regularly. This is because the pomegranate can prevent the arrival of Alzheimer's disease.

There are so many benefits of pomegranate is not this? Ranging from health to beauty problems can be overcome with pomegranate. So this article and may be useful to you.

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