Efficacy Fruit Pinang for Men Might Increase

Onlien Health - The majority of people must already know with fruit Pinang. Fruit which in English is called the betel palm has various names ranging from Jambe, Bua, Penang, Pineung, and others. Pinang tree has characteristics that straight-height can reach a height of 25 meters-and the canopy is not dense. Frond leaves shaped like a tube with a length of 80 cm and the tip of the leaves seemed torn.

In Java, Pinang widely grown in areas with an altitude of about 1,400 meters above sea level (asl). In addition to the tree which is used for climbing competitions Pinang, this plant also has a fruit that turns widely used to treat various types of diseases.

Substances contained in fruit Pinang include arecolidine, arecaidine, guvacoline, guracine, and several other compounds. Meanwhile, the seeds are also useful, contains alkaloids such as arekaina and arekolina that is addictive and can stimulate the brain.

In the traditional society, Pinang fruit usually used as one of the mixture to eat betel. However, most people already take advantage of this fruit to treat dysentery, scurvy, and bloody diarrhea. Meanwhile, seeds Pinang commonly used to treat intestinal worms, especially to treat tapeworms.

Fruit Pinang, Male Stamina Enhancer
Many people are looking for ways to increase his stamina so as not to appear sluggish. To get strong stamina and greng, then about food and supplements should be considered optimal.

Talk about a supplement, perhaps not many people know if it Pinang fruit can be used as a natural supplement to enhance male stamina.

From ancient times until now, many people believe that fruit Pinang has a specific content that can increase virility.

For example, people said, our army many use Pinang fruit when they have to fight against the invaders and wandering in the woods.

They eat lots of fruits Pinang as a daily meal. And proven, many of those who have the stamina steady, albeit rarely get food rations.

Pinang fruit is also believed to increase stamina adult men, especially those who are married. Pinang fruit juice can be made that, in combination with a variety of materials.

Efficacy of the Pinang fruit juice is known to enhance male vitality. If you do not believe, can try a visit to a restaurant in Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung.

The restaurant specialized in providing Pinang fruit juice to increase virility. Juice taste quite bitter and should be neutralized with the use of white sugar.

However, to give it a try, you do not have far to go to Lampung. You can make these traditional ingredients in your home. Quite easy.

Once the fruit is prepared Pinang, separate from the skin. Then, mix with egg yolk chicken or duck eggs. Mix honey and milk to taste as well. Then, blend until smooth.

Well, before serving, fruit juice is preferably filtered Pinang used to separate the waste that did not participate swallowed.

The Pinang fruit juice should be taken a few hours before you want to do a conjugal relationship so that the result is truly felt. If you lack confidence, then you can try it yourself!

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