Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Health

Online Health - Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a plant or fruit betik born in southern Mexico and northern South America. Is a herbaceous plant that grows in the tropics success such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Ripe papaya fruit will fleshy reddish orange when bitten very soft and sweet.

Papaya only eat meat and black beans are protected by pulp is cleaned with a knife. People consume papaya eaten manner directly or blended with milk and ice cubes added. Papaya fruit durable if stored in the refrigerator.

Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Health
Thanks to the amount of nutrients in the fruit makes papaya as a favorite fruit to treat the disease. After we review the benefits of papaya leaves, this time his turn. Here are some of the properties of papaya as a traditional medicinal plant which is suitable to be planted in the yard.

Papaya as Drug Efficacy Toothache
Take the sap from the leaves of papaya, then drops on the aching tooth using cotton or cottonbud. Let sap absorb and dry, it is intended that the bacteria that cause tooth pain die. Read also the article on how to maintain healthy teeth.

Papaya fruit Eliminate Warts
The presence of warts sometimes make working atmosphere so uncomfortable, for it is immediately removed with natural methods. Papaya can use to remove warts on the skin surface, how to apply papaya latex on warts per 3 hours.

The heel smooths Cracking
Rough heels even chapped can lose a sense of confident in themselves, and therefore immediately overcome by using papaya. Use young papaya latex to rub both heels, let stand for 15 minutes (foot while lifted), the last wash with warm water.

Papaya Treat Burns
Burns is not always interpreted as arising due to injuries exposed to fire, other examples such as the affected calf leather motorcycle exhaust heat. If you experience it first can use soy sauce or toothpaste. If it is less effective use of young papaya latex when applied to the wound surface.

Benefits of Papaya Fruit Acne Medication
Acne many kinds, but to eliminate far more, for example using papaya. The trick is sunning 3 old papaya leaves were washed, crushed while flushing 1/4 cups of water, then wring it out. Use the juice (juice) on the entire face with acne.

Benefits of Papaya Fruit Diarrhea Drug
Because it is rich in fiber is suitable if the papaya used to treat diarrhea. How to brew a handful of papaya seeds that have been finely ground 3 times a day each 1 cup.

Papaya fruit Overcome Whitish
Many women complain when having vaginal discharge, itching and burning the resulting absolutely excruciating. For that papaya present as natural remedies are effective enough to overcome white.

Prepare the papaya leaves, washed and sliced ​​small. Add 50 grams of roots of the weeds were still clean and pulasari. Boil into 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and strain last. Drinking water a day 1 time.

Papaya Fruit Mask
You want to have smooth skin and fresh? Use only natural face mask of papaya. It's easy, take the ripe papaya fruit, remove the skin and seeds. Papaya fruit blender until completely soft. Remember, until completely smooth. Use papaya paste as a mask for the face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes until papaya dries. Then rinse with warm water.

Papaya mask is very effective to remove the black spots on the face at the same time tighten. To get a soft skin, you can add honey to the dough.

Papaya Fruit Nutrition Ingredients
Behind the consumption of papaya are manifold, not many people who know the content of papaya. Therefore, it is interesting if the article is a little discussion about the content of papaya fruit is efficacious as a medicine to cure various diseases.

At 100 grams of papaya are:
  • 0.6 g protein
  • 10 g carbohydrate
  • 470 mg of potassium
  • 0.1 g fat
  • 16 mg phosphorus
  • 0.3 mg of iron
  • 39 calories
  • 20 mg of calcium
  • 0.3 mg niacin
  • 0:04 mg of Vitamin C
  • 0:03 mg of Vitamin B
  • 1,750 IU of vitamin A

Papaya is suitable as a family because khasatnya herbs have helped many people. You can cultivate papaya in perkarangan home with the purpose if one day your brother there who have health problems such as the above, could easily treat it as herbs that will be used has been widely grown in the yard.

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