Benefits of Broccoli for Health

Online Health - Broccoli is a green vegetable that is very beneficial for the health of the body, including to prevent cancer, stroke, blood pressure, weight loss, osteoporosis, healthy digestion and the body's resistance to disease because broccoli contains complete nutrition.

Therefore regularly consume vegetables, broccoli is a good choice because it is so beneficial to your health, because broccoli is a vegetable that contains antioxidant vitamins A, B, C, and K, fiber and minerals.

Broccoli can be eaten directly or also to be cooked, but it should be noted also lightly cooked broccoli enough because if too long nutrient levels will be lost, so try not to cook or boil the broccoli more than 5 minutes.

Choose green broccoli still fresh and should choose broccoli that is not in the black spots on it and if you want to store it in a few days broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Some of the health benefits of broccoli for the body:

1. Pencehgah cancer, the content of indole-3-carbinol, isothiocyanate and phytochemicals in broccoli is effective in the prevention of cancers such as colon, bladder and ovary.

2. Keeping the immune system, a high content of vitamin C in broccoli was instrumental in the fight infection and boost the immune system.

3. Prevent indigestion, because broccoli contains a lot of fiber so nice to overcome digestive problems such as constipation and other digestive disorders.

4. Anti-depression, broccoli contains folate and vitamin B which is believed to improve the atmosphere in the liver and also anti-depressant.

5. Controlling blood pressure, potassium content in broccoli may help maintain the nervous system, stabilize blood pressure and healthy brain function.

6. bone health, vitamin K and Kalsiun in broccoli is very beneficial to prevent osteoporosis and helps in bone health.

7. Preventing cardiovascular disease, B6 and folate protects the body from heart disease and stroke.

8. Helps you lose weight, high fiber content is very useful in helping the diet.

9. Eye Health, broccoli contains vitamin A and lutein which is useful for eye health.

10. Preventing heart disease, glucoraphanin in broccoli can prevent heart disease.

11. Healthy skin, glucoraphanin in broccoli are also useful to overcome skin damage from sun exposure and aging.

12. Preventing anemia, iron and folic acid in broccoli is useful for anemia due to iron deficiency.

13. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, according to the study of Alzheimer's disease risk can be reduced by a diet high in folate.

14. Assist the baby's health, folate content in broccoli may help prevent neural defects such as spina bifida in the fetus.

15. Helps control diabetes, the content of chromium in broccoli is useful to help regulate insulin and control blood sugar levels in the body.

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