10 The Miracle of Aloe Vera Benefits for Your Health

Online Health - Aloe Vera or more commonly we call Aloe Vera is a plant that has been known for thousands of years ago and used as a hair growth, wound healing, and for skin care. Typically, these plants can be found easily in dry regions such as Africa. But in general, the scientific name of plants Aloe barbadensis Milleer is one of the top ten best-selling type of plant in the world that have the potential to be developed as a medicinal plant and industrial raw materials. Based on the research results, the plant is rich in substances such as enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides and other components that are beneficial to health. Although these plants are easy to find in Africa, but now also has a lot of aloe vera garden that thrives in Indonesia. Only a variety of reasons, there are still many people who do not know who owned a variety of benefits of aloe vera.

One surprise is aloe vera contains all of the vitamins except vitamin D, some of which are minerals that are necessary for the function of enzymes, saponins which act as anti-microbial and 20 of the 22 types of amino acids. While in use sebgai skin care, Aloe vera can eliminate acne, skin moisturizing, skin detoxification, elimination of scars and marks, reduce inflammation and repair can even be used to rejuvenate the skin. With a variety of benefits contained in aloe vera, less than optimal utilization by people who simply use it as an ingredient for hair growth alone. Therefore, to know the wonders of the benefits of aloe vera let us consider the following.

1. As an anti-inflammatory
Aloe vera can help overcome the burns, insect bites or digestive problems. This can be achieved by taking aloe vera as an internal treatment. Aloe vera juice is believed to help prevent constipation and digestive tract launch. This drink is made of gel produced by aloe vera.

2. Boost the immune system
Aloe vera contains substances that can help white blood cells fight the virus, so it is beneficial for those who have a chronic immune system problems. By consuming aloe vera juice regularly and regularly can make you susceptible to disease because your immune system will continue to increase.

3. Coping with diabetes
Consumption of aloe vera in a certain way will be able to assist in lowering your blood sugar levels that are suffering from diabetes. The trick is easy enough to boil aloe discarded needles with water 3 cups boiling water and leave in half. Later, this herb can be taken three times per day per half cup.

4. As an antioxidant
With the amount of vitamin C and E on aloe vera, it can be utilized as an antioxidant. So that can increase the body's metabolism and also helps to prevent degenerative diseases. You can take the benefits by consuming aloe vera juice regularly.

5. Treat the wound
In dealing with minor injuries, aloe vera has many functions. You can use it to treat burns, relieve the pain due to sunburn (sunburn), reducing the color of bruises due to bruising, relieve the pain because of blisters, and reduce cell damage caused by frostbite.

6. Treating Hemorrhoids
For those of you who want to treat hemorrhoids, prepare half of the stem of aloe vera and two spoons of honey and half a cup of boiled water. How to make it easy enough scar aloe vera, then add honey and half a cup of boiled water on a grater earlier. After that mix well and then filtered. Drink this mixture three times a day.

7. Digestion
Healthy digestion is the key to a healthy body, because of poor digestion can lead to various types of diseases. At least, aloe vera has been known for a long time as a powerful medicinal plants for digestion and maintain healthy digestion so ever.

8. Reduce inflammation
By consuming aloe vera juice regularly, it can increase the flexibility of the joints and helps in the regeneration of body cells. In addition, it can strengthen the muscles of the joints, reduce pain and inflammation of the joints caused by age.

9. Removing toxins from the body
Not much different from seaweed, aloe vera article is one of the plants that contain gelatin. Gelatin is beneficial to absorb the toxins that are in the intestine and remove it along with the dirt. With the detoxification process is obviously very beneficial for our body.

10. Maintain the health of hair and scalp
To nourish hair, can by cutting the leaves and then applying the sap (exudates) directly on the scalp regularly. After that just cleaned by rinsing with water.

It can not be denied if the aloe vera has a myriad of benefits surprising for us. Given the many important benefits contained in aloe vera, this one seems plant must exist in the yard of our house.

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