Mango Fruit for Health Benefits

Benefits of Mango Fruit for Health and Beauty - Although his only grows in tropical regions, but there are many people in this world who love Mangifera indica or commonly known as the mango. Fruit that has a green to reddish skin usually has a sour and sweet taste depending on the degree of his maturity.

Benefits of Mango
Behind the delights of this tropical fruit, mango turns out to have many health benefits to beauty. So what are the benefits of the fruit of this one? Consider the facts about the benefits of mangoes following:

Sources of vitamin C
Because the color yellow flesh, can be known if the mangoes have a high vitamin C content. Vitamin C in the mango is working to create new cells in the body and acts to maximize the absorption of iron in the body. In addition, some of the nutrients contained in these mangoes also have other benefits that are not less important. For example, can be used to treat canker sores to strengthen and make the arteries more elastic. The content of vitamin C in the mango can also strengthen your body's immunity.

Prevent and fight cancer cells
In the mango flesh contained some excellent antioxidant for the body. For example gallic acid, astragalin and some other important enzymes. Antioxidants is what makes mango has a function to prevent cancer. Some cancer cells can be prevented and combated with mango, among others, colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. If you want to be healthy and free of dangerous diseases that you can consume mangoes.

Stabilize and reduce cholesterol
Do you often have problems with cholesterol in your blood? If true, do not be too long left. Cholesterol buildup in the human body can cause dangerous disease if left too long. By eating a mango, you can also keep cholesterol in your body. This is because the mango contains vitamin C, pectin and some fiber that can lower cholesterol and keep it stable.

Helps digestion
Mango it also has some enzymes that have a function to accelerate the breakdown of fat and protein in the food you consume. The fiber content in mango also makes the process of digestion in your intestines more smoothly so that you will not have trouble defecating. Eating mango every day also was able to lubricate your digestive organs. So you can defecate regularly and not hoard junk in your body.

Maintain eye health
Not only a good source of vitamin C for the body only. It turns out that the mango is also a good source of vitamin A for the eyes. In one cup of sliced ​​mango flesh are 25% of vitamin A that can meet your daily needs.

Mango can also prevent some eye diseases such as night blindness, dry eye, eye fatigue, eye irritation and much more. If you want your eyes healthy, you can consume mangoes regularly. In addition to treating the eye through the nutrients provided mango, you also need to rest your eyes regularly. Read articles about how to keep your eyes healthy for further refferensi.

Beautify the skin
Mangoes have a very high fiber. In addition to fiber, mangoes also contain vitamin A which is not only good for your eyes but also good for your skin. This mango vitamin A can prevent dull skin, shrink large pores and soften the skin. Not only the content of vitamin A are good for the skin.

The content of vitamin C in the mango could also beautify your skin. Vitamin C in mango can stimulate the formation of collagen in your skin so that your skin becomes healthier. In addition to vitamins, nutrients in mango fruit that nourish the skin are phenols and enzymes.

Improve memory
Mangoes it also has the function to improve memory and strengthen memory. This is because mangoes contain glutamine acid levels are quite a lot. These are what cause the mangoes can improve memory when you eat it. Because of these benefits of mango fruit is highly recommended for consumption by children. So, more often to give your child mangoes that your child become more intelligent.

Suitable for pregnant women
Mango is not only suitable for those who want to be healthy. Mango was also suitable for those who are pregnant. By eating a mango, you can reduce the nausea that you experienced in early pregnancy. But to reduce nausea, you are encouraged to eat young mango. Although it takes a young mango can relieve nausea, but you still have to pay attention to the health of your stomach. In addition to relieve nausea, mangoes also contain high iron. High iron that makes the fetus is in the womb you become healthier.

Facial beauty care
Mango is not only good for the health of your skin. This fruit was also able to be used to make your skin more beautiful. There are several ways to make the mango as a beauty treatment. One way is to make it as a face mask. How to make a face mask is also quite easy.

First, mango puree in a blender until smooth and do not add it to the water. Then add two tablespoons of oatmeal powder and mix. If necessary, you can add the whipped cream to make it softer. After being mixed, apply the mask on your face evenly. Take a few moments to dry and rinse with cold water. Do this treatment once a week for more leverage.

Behind the taste is sweet and refreshing, it turns to the health benefits of mangoes are also very much. In fact, not only for health, but for skin and beauty care of your face. Because it is more often to consume mangoes. But remember, do not overdo it because the sugar content is also quite high.

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